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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

When Will It stop?

Well, things are not good. Yesterday, I was having a nice, productive little day, then, Boom. Not literally, but almost. I am in N. Georgia and living in an extended stay until we find an apartment. It's okay, sort of, and had at least seemed quiet and safe, until it wasn't. Imagine my surprise when at about 1:30 PM, the cops knocked on the door and asked us to leave the room while they dealt with an 'issue.' We were kept out for about 5 hours. Finally, when we were let back in, we learned that the 'issues' was the fact that our neighbors, who had seemed very nice and pleasant, were running a meth lab. For those who don't know, the chemicals used to make the rotten stuff are very toxic and extremely explosive. Blessedly, we didn't  Go Boom.
Call me a wimp, but this scared the crap out of me and, as a result, today, when I have much to do, I am exhausted and shaky. I'll get over that, but I am not as young and resilient as I used to be.
My own issues aside, there are kids living here, along with folks who are older than I and others with more severe disabilities. This kind of lunacy must stop and stop now.
I am a tolerant person and not one to want to throw people in jail for small crimes, especially when they involve personal behavior. For example, while I think that smojing weed is a bad idea, I don't think that folks should be jailed for it, as long as they don't drive while high and don't give it to kids.
But, what my beighbors did was way past that. They endangered the lives of many people. Plus, the Gwinnett Ga Police, who did a good job, had to send 5 officers, 2 fire truck, 2 fire rescue trucks, a hazmat team and a bomb squad, costing the county a whole lot of money.
On top of that, they were making one of the worst drugs around. Meth kills. It is that simple
The answer starts with the courts. Anyone producing or selling any type of hard drugs needs to be jailed, for a good long while. Sale of the chemicals needed to make the stuff should be severely restricted. If someone has a legitimate use for them and can prove that, fine. Otherwise, anyone buying them in any substantial quantity, should be investigated. One of the chemicals needed to make meth is pseudoephedrine. The sale of this , it is used to treat congestion, is restricted in the US. But, it is shipped in from Mexico. That must be stopped.
Life is full of risks, and if I wantv to risk my life, that is one thing. But, no one else has the right to decide to risk my life, without my consent. Such disregard for others is a severe crime and thise who do such things need to be placed where they cannot enbdanger others.
When will such madness stop. When we, the people of the USA decide that it will.

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