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Monday, June 4, 2018

Blogs - Be Carefuk What Yoi Read

'Let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.' Bob Dylan, All Along the Watchtower
I have no lost of blogs I read because I read very few. Today, I am going to mention the 3 that I sometimes glance at. I read them because they are just plain weird, but I am concerned that some may take them seriously. I will be accused of 'trolling' but, who cares?
Visup, on the surface seems to be a history of strange events in America and the World. The writing is straight forward and competent and much documentation is provided. However, the documentation comes from other 'conspiracy' writers and if you check their works, they have almost no valid documentation. In other words, they put out largely unfounded conclusions and say that they are true because they make sense to them. They operate on the 'guilt by association ' idea. If A knew B and C knew B and B did something illegal, then A and B must also be in on it. It is easy to fall into that trap. I have done so a time or 2. Associations may warrant investigation, but they prove nothing. Take the NEXIVM cult. Some big-time public figures have given them money, lots ot it, but does that mean they knew what was going on. Who knows? I sure don't. This is a matter for the Justice Dept. to investigate, not bloggers or sensationalist pseudo-journalists.
 Another such blog is mind control murder missile madness. This is a much better written blog, but most of the material is, again, a blend of huilt by association innuendo and pyre specolation.. It is like a a bad tabloid piece written by HP Lovecraft.
The last blog I will mention is The Secret Sun. It's wtiter once wrote a mildly entertaining book about comic book heroes, comparing them to the ancient mythological 'gods'. This was hardly a new idea. Most kids I knew back in the early 60s figured that out, but the book was fun. Now, he blogs about symbolism in modern Culture. Good topic. Important, to a degree, but he has gone so far over the top. True, he has read a lot of old mythology, but he does not seem to grasp the fact that this stuf was never meant to be taken literally. Our ancestors knew poetry, better that we do, and were written symbolically, allegorically,to teach lessons and to try to figure our themselves and the World. Sometimes they were just told because they were great, tall tales and humans love stories.To take them literally is to fall into the same trap as the people on Ancient Aliens. Yes, strange things have always happened and always will, but that does not mean that we are being controlled by ETs, interdimensional beings or old gods. Do such beings exist? Maybe yes, mayve no, but, if you hear the lessons of both Jesus in the West and the Buddha in the East, they have no power over us unless we give it to them. Ignore them, and the go away.
These 3 blogs, if you can believe that stats they show are popular and get a lot of comment. Do not take them seriously. I almost wonder if they are simple disinformation, allowed to exisr just to keep the weak minded on edge, otherwise I am not sure why they have not been removed and the authors sued.
There is one investigatot into deep weirdness who at least provided good documentation/ I do not agree with Peter Levenda on much and I cannot think that he and I would be buddies, but at least he has gone to the trouble, a great deal of work, to dig up original source documentation for his work. Even if you disagree with his conclusions, he presents as much fact as possible and avoids the guilt by association trap. Plus, he's a darn good writer.
This is the first time I have mentioned other blogs by name and it will be the last. I can guarantee you of that. I only do this to point out the need to be a discriminating reader. Going down the path of wild conspiracy is not a real good idea. Yes, there are conspiracies, many, but they must be tracked down carefully. Do not let chasing the White Rabbit down his hole take you away from our real and very solvable problems.

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