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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Sports Time - The US Open

One of America's great sporting events starts tomorrow, The US Open Men's Golf Championship. The Masters is great, the (British) Open captures the grand history of the old game, and the PGA is always the most fun. But, there is nothing like the test that the USGA likes to put the players through.
The last few years were a let down. The Chambers Bay course was a joke since the course was not at all prepared for serious competition. Oakmont was hit with rain and that great course could not live up to its reputation. Last year was held on a newer venue, Erin Hills. The course was hit with rain and the wind laid down and Brooks Koepka dismantled the course.
This year will be a return to the evil ways of the USGA. Shinnecock is a very old course and being near the sea is similar to the Scottish links courses. But, similar is not same. The greens are harder, treacherous is a better term. The rough is brutal and the wind unpredictable. The big difference between there and Scotland is the green speed. The USGA wants the greens so fast that they border on ridiculous, especially with the severe slopes on those greens. Pitting will be difficult, chipping touchy and approach shots will be hard to stop anywhere in the greens. The winner will be the finest golfer this week because luck will not get it done. Only skill will prevail. Already, many are saying that half the field has no chance. That is too generous. Out of 180 brave souls starting Thirsday, maybe 30 have anything close to a realistic chance.
It is not always fun watching such stern tests of the game, but if you stick with it you will find the tension growing almost unbearable by the time Sunday rolls around. Anything can happen then and that is fun.
The players will suffer a bit this week, but they get paid enough to deal with the pain once a year. Call me sadistic, but I will enjoy seeing them tested to the breaking point. Have fun watching this US Open.

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