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Friday, June 8, 2018

Parts Unkknown

It seems that Anthony Bourdain has killed himself. I seldom write about celebrity mishaps and I was no fan of his on screen persona. However, I did like his show, Parts Unknown.
It was a way to get a glimpse into the way other people live. It was daring, insightful and, at times, fairly dangerous. I had trouble with his extreme liberal view of things, but that is just who he was. At least we had way to see how our fellow humans live. I often thought that it would be interesting to have a conservative host visit the same spots to see an opposite view. The truth general lies somewhere in the middle.
But, that is not going to happen. Real conservative get no time in the media, except on Fox  and then all they seem to do is praise and defend the President.
We get little insight into how other folks live. There are internet reports and that is admirable, but the TV networks have so much more money and vast resources. They could do spectacular programming.
I am in no way a globalist, but I do believe that the individual nations need to understand each other. We must get along to some degree. The best way to get there is by showing each other our lives. Let the Chinese see our day to day doings and let us see the Iranians. Let New Jersey see the Congo and let Christians see Buddhists. We all have our quirks and faults but we have mire in common than we think. The media could be the path to bridging many of the World's divisions.
Instead, we get Dancing With the Stars and Real Housewives.

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