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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

They Did It - Trump and Kim

I wrote a silly post yesterday about KFC diplomacy. Well, it worked. Seemingly, our President made Kim an 'offer he couldn't refuse,' and then they 'reasoned together'. When it comes down to negotiations, sometimes you need to take Don Corleone's approach. The Godfather knew when to play hardball. That is what Trump did.
And, it must be noted, he is still doing the same. Sanctions will not be lifted until we see progress on the dismantling of Korea's nukes and will be ramped up if there is any backsliding.
What does Kim get? Well a chance to keep breathing a while longer and an opportunity to bring his sad nation into the world of modern humanity.
We really should not have to act like thugs to protect ourselves, but it is a tough, hard World and, when needed, we have to be the meanest kids on the block. We cannot have power mad dictators threatening to nuke us and that means making them get rid of those weapons.
Next stop should be Iran. Some of their leaders are followers of an apocalyptic cult, a minor but dangerous branch of Islam, that believes that they must start the ball rolling toward Armageddon. Letting them build nukes is an especially poor idea and we obviously cannot take the Obama-Kerry approach. You know, give them a  ton of cash, lift sanctions and trust them when they promise to play nice. No, I'm afraid that we will have to 'make them an offer they can't refuse'. Then maybe we can negotiate. Maybe over Big Macs and fries.

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