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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Take Back Your Lives

Stop and think. Ask yourself, who am I? No, really. Just do it and you might surprise yourself.
Are you a family man/woman? A lot of folks think that and then spend a lot of time trying to avoid those responsibilities and many have very mixed feelings about the whole thing.
Are you a business man or a proud employee? If so, then why do I run across so many in businesses who want to do the bare minimum required to get a check?
Are you a sports guy who loves to hang out at sports bars with other like minded guys watching whatever game is on. Really? Then why do you need to get hammered to sit through the game/
 Are you a woman who loves going on a 'girls' night out'? Do you really like getting sloshed and watching half naked men gyrate to bad disco music. If you want sex, whats's wrong with having the real thing with your husband or boyfriend?
Political activist? Do you really velieve all that drivel or di you just like to feel that power rush uou get when you scream and carry on at rallies?
Ask yourself these questions. Search your soul. Maybe you have not yet committed to any pattern of behavior. Great think before you start identifying with ant role. If you have commitments, you must honor them. Don't abandon greinds and family. But, you can back off a bit and give yourself some room to be you. When you have fulfilled your commitments thebn yiy are free to be yourself.
All of us are a bundle if different characters and interests.We are the ones who mist choose the paths we nwant to follow. Do not let people push you into being untrue to yourself. Again, respect your commitments, be honorable, then be yourself as much as possible. You decide. Not others.

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