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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

All Over the Place

This post will be all over the place. I am going to get out my Tarot cards, I Ching and crystal ball and try to predict what is going to come out of our ever changing scene
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the President's
 immigration orders. There will begin a move to limit, or eliminate the Supreme Court.
There will soon be a crisis at the border, resulting in violent demonstrations. Keep a pot on a hot stove long enough and it will boil over. These confrontations will be ugly and will result in the beginning of the end of the left in this Country.
There will be major quarrels over the rights of Christians in this Country/ We have grown tired of being ridiculed and marginalized by the pagan/atheist movement in the US. Jesus said to turn the other cheek, but we have run out of cheeks.
A kind of 60s revival will take place, only this time weed will be legal. Psychedelics will make a comeback (already I see articles praising their effects). This will be short lived. The World is too complex now to tolerate such foolishness. Besides, I was there in those days and it was not all that great.
N. Korea will slowly and reluctantly live up to the recent nuclear deal. Iran will not and, very soon. the US and Israel will deal quickly and harshly with them.
China will learn to play nice on economic issues because, while they have money, they cannot grow enough food to feed their people. We can. Case closed.
Russia's economy is stumbling along and Putin will go, one way or another. God knows what will come out of that.
Mexico will give in to economic pressure from the US and get a grip on their side of the border. S. and Central America and the Islands will not be allowed to send its wretchedly impoverished people here and will have to solve their issues.
The EU will complete its collapse and Europe will descend into a sort of Dark Ages 2.0, for a good long while.
The climate is changing, and tropical weather will be fierce. That, combined with rising sea levels and beach erosion will send people fleeing those coastal homes they all just bought. At the same time, droughts will beset other regions forcing us to completely rethink our farming and food consumption habits
On a lighter note, Martin Kaymer will win the Open Championship and Bubba Watson will win the PGA.  Tiger Woods will not win anything and will announce his retirement due to back injuries. Phil Mickelson will fade into golfing oblivion and tournaments will stop handing out invitations to old, fading stars who just take up space on the courses. Soon, pro golf will become unsupportable due to overly bloated purses and equally bloated egos, and courses that require 9000 yards to keep up with the new power game. Pro golf will also be hit by a steroid scandal. Football attendance will dwindle and baseball and basketball will not be far behind. Tickets are too high and the level of play is not good. Boxing will all but disappear.
Last, Republicans will beat the stiffing out of Democrats in the mid terms and that will spell the end of the Democratic Party.
Have fun. This is going to be interesting.

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