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Friday, June 1, 2018

The Rains are Gone

'Birds are winging, no rain is falling from a heavy sky.' The Grateful Dead, Box of Rain.
That is pretty much the story here in N. Georgia. The deluge we have been through is  moving out, though there are still ominous clouds around, The birds are indeed flitting about and the mockingbirds are singing their lovely songs. The hard rains bring bugs and worms to the ground's surface and this is the time when the birds can get nice and fat.
My last few blogs have been a tad grumpy. Okay, angry and downright hostile. I just get really  upset by acts of thoughtless inhumanity.
But, on days like this it is hard to stay angry. The air is cool and clear. The rains washed out the last of the allergy inducing spring pollens. Everything is lush and green. So, today, no complaining. No ranting and raving. The only rumbling today will come from the afternoon thunderstorns that might pop up, Until they do, all is sunshine and fait sailing.
Wherever you are,, whatever the weather, stop for a minute or two and note the day's beauty. There will be time enough next week to deal with problems.
Enjoy the weekend.

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