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Monday, June 11, 2018

KFC Diplomacy

I am not in a serious mood today and it seems that neither are certain World leaders. Our President and the N. Korean leader are about to meet. Over a KFC lunch. Yep, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, Cole slaw and a biscuit. The 'Colonel's' original recipe may be the key to World peace.
Why not? It beats stringy roast beef or dry roast chicken with boiled, mushy vegetables. It would put me in a fine mood and it adds a touch of whimsy to what will be an extraordinarily tense meeting. The fate of many. many people lies with this discussion, Relax things as much as you can.
Will it work? Who knows? The importance of this meeting cannot be overstressed. We all need to pray for its success..
If it does, then maybe we can try this elsewhere. The key to peace in the Mid East may be Big Macs.

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