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Thursday, June 7, 2018


I love science and I love it when scientists are stumped.. Take the case of globsters. These are not new, but they are rare. They are masses of stinky, organic matter that were once living creatures. But, what?
Some are claiming that they are the corpses of ancient ETs. long hidden in the Sea's depths now dead and rising. Or there is the ever popular thought that these are Lovecraft's old gods. You know, Cthulu lives, that sort of thing. The answer is much more interesting.
We do not know much about the Ocean's deepest parts. The pressure is so high that the cost and danger makes its exploration near impossible. We have, in our limited views of that world, seen bizarre creatures. Globsters are likely just the corpses of such sea life. DNA tests are inconclusive because of degeneration, but they are likely whales, squid, and octopi. Who  knows? Maybe they are types of creatures that we have never seen, perhaps survivors of ages long past. It is a hoot to see scientists actually admit that they don't know something. It is a blow to their massive egos.
They are showing up now probably because of the extreme seismic and volcanic activity we are currently experiencing along with the prolific tropical storm activity of last year. Such violent activity stirs up the sea bottom. This, by the way is a good thing, briniging much needed nutrients to the surface life.
Maybe, in our past, the rising of these bodies, which do look like the stuff of nightmares, are what triggered tall tales of sea monsters and viscious gods. It must have scared our poor anscestors half to death.
For us, in this age, it is just another grand puzzle for scientists to ponder. Good,  it keeps them humble. For us normal folks, don't worry. Cthulu is not going to eat you.

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