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Monday, June 25, 2018

A Quidk Word

Hope everyone had a great weekend and is getting through their Monday with ease. On the news, people are threatening and posturing. wailing and gnashing teeth and acting like complete jackasses. A bunch of folks were shot here in Georgia and I am sure that happened wherever you are. Scams are being pulled, animals and kids abused and general mayhem is breaking out all over.
We are about to have a monster thunderstorm erupt here, so let me be brief.
Don't sweat this stuff. It is all cyclical. The human race gets like this from time to time. It has happened before and it will happen again. Then, things ease off for a bit. Just ride out the storm, sort of like I am about to do with the one just kicking in here. Stay safe. Use your head and you'll be fine. Tomorrow, a real post.

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