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Friday, June 15, 2018

High Tech Madness

I love technology, when it works. When it doesn't, I am ready to rip my hair, what little I have, out. Yesterday, I spent a great deal of time waiting for Internet Explorer to decide to work. MSN kept drifting away and I gave up on google long ago. It is frustrating and tiresome.
Then, we have the issue of ads. You notice that I have none on this site (okay, a very few mention  my books. By the way, they are available on Kindle, but the ads are short and to the point and easy to skip). My issue is with pop ups. I can be in the middle of something and an ad for some product I will never buy, shows up.  Or, ads are interspersed within the text that completely disrupt the flow.
Pictures are another issue. I got over needing my reading accimpoanied by pictures when I left 2nd grade
Then, we have websites that are uselessly old. I get all excited sometimes, when I find just what I want, only to discover that they have not been updated for 10 years.
I also find sites that have nothing to do with the highlight on the search engine. For example, I type in 'golf history' and click on a site that says it has the definitive history of the game, It does not. Instead, it is selling condos on golf courses. Then of course, thanks to the nice folks at google, I get bombarded with ads for condos.
I know that people have to make money and I know that they don't always have time to keep things completely up to dare, but really, we can do better. Keep it up and it will grow so tiresome that people will stop using it and they will certainly stop paying attention to the ads. The users need to get a grip or the big tech people will. Failing that, the Government will have to start regulating and no sane person wants that.

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