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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Back to the Madness

All right, now. had a nice weekend and a stormy, but quiet Monday and I' m ready to go. I think. That's the thing. Sometimes, I read and watch the news and my brain sits idling and the poor thing just doesn't know where to go.
Well, let's just jump right in.
A long time Congressperson (is that right?), Maxine Waters, from California, is calling for Trump supporters to be harassed and driven from the marketplace. Literally. I can think of no more frightening comment. The lunacy and danger of her statements should be apparent to all. My first thought was, 'okay, she has just killed the Democrats in the mid terms', but, I see actions around this Nation, mostly, and sadly by the young and the minorities, and I realize that many, many feel the same. We Americans are rapidly descending into a state of near war between the opposing factions and the up coming elections will not be pretty.
There are street demonstrations blocking immigration hearings and more concern is being shown for illegal immigrants than for America's impoverished families. Veterans, kids, the handicapped and the elderly are shown less compassion than  drug smuggling violent thugs crawling into the Southwest.
Day by day, the level of discourse is growing harsher. People, not all, but many, can no longer have dialogues. They either scream and threaten or refuse to speak.
Any mention of God, has, for some time now, been met with scorn. For the last several years, it was a gentle scorn, a condescending ridicule. Sort of,'oh, isn't that cute that they believe in such a thing." Remember Obama 'a comment about 'clinging to  their guns and Bibles." Now, the rhetoric is hostile and any mention of beliefs will likely get you shunned. Next comes active persecution and a banning from the marketplace. Remember Revelation? "He without the Mark of the Beast could not buy or sell." This is why Water's call for ousting Trump supporters from businesses and social events, and ousting in a forceful manner, is so disturbing. Folks of that mind set need to remember that line about clinging to guns. Those who cling to guns tend to use them when threatened and Americans are a cranky lot, especially in the conservative regions. And, whether the left like it or not, there are a lot of those folks.
No one in their right mind wants violence and there is no need for it, if we can just get back to civil discourse. One side seems willing and the other does not and that is the problem. Many on the left are determined to have their way, with no compromise. Well, that's not going to happen.
There is another option. If things get bad enough and elected officials cannot govern, and things are closer to that than anyone wants to believe. a group who thinks they have the power, can seize control and suspend the Constitution. That was codified under Obama, after being a well kept secret for years. All that information is available on line if you want to hunt for it. I did once and it is a daunting task which I once did and won't do again, I have far too much to do. If that were done,  it would be nightmarish for some and not too bad for many. The Military would likely run things and a rather conservative wane would sweep the land. I really doubt it will come to that, but who knows? The way to stop such drastic measures is to grow up and learn to speak civilly and listen.

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