I have Stories to Tell and Books on Amazon

Please, in the left column, click on Books on Amazon and check out the books I have written. I am sure you will enjoy them.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

We Interrupt This Program

We Interrupt This Program was a great TV movie special some years back. It was fully advertised as a phony news broadcast. To prevent a panic, like War of the Worlds in the 1930s, they made it very clear that it was fiction.. It opened with news bulletin of an asteroid strike and turned into a story of our first alien contact, It did not end well. This was a terrifying and thought provoking movie that is still around on DVD and is well worth watching.
But, that us not what this post is about. No, it was a sneaky way to lead inti a short ad. I want to tell you about 3 more of my books, all available on Kindle.
First, The Grand Game, co written by Debra Weiner. This is the story of a strange, intense golf match on an old classic Scottish links course. The match takes a stunning dark turn, which leads to a deep spiritual revelation for one of the participants. This is a fine blend of sports and the spiritual that you will enjoy
Second, is The Guava Grove. I still hear and see a lot of nonsense about the infamous 60s, I was right in the middle of the whole mess and, trust me,It was not all just sex, drugs and rock and roll. For many, it was a time if complete madness. This is a fiction story of a well intentioned, nice, bright young man destroyed by demons, both personal and chemical. It is frightening and to quote Ken Kesey, from One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, 'it's the truth, even if it never happened, it's the truth.
Third, I present a non fiction work, To The Mockingbird's Trill. This was a tune my Grandmother used to hum. I set out writing an autobiography to help me figure our a few things. As I wrote, I discovered that I had a fascinating story if a time and its people who are now all but forgotten. To forget the would be a shame because their characters and their work made his Nation what it is today. Their story is , at turns, funny sad, and heroic. You will love these cranky, wonderful folks as much as I do.
We now resume our regular programming.

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