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Thursday, June 28, 2018

And Now an Opposing View

It occurs to me that yesterday's predictions drifted a wee bit toward the gloomy side. I stand by all of them, but I do see some bright spots.
First, the announced retirement of Supreme Court Justice Kennedy. He was basically a moderate and I guarantee his replacement will be  conservative, a fairly young cponservative, who will sit there for many years. The President has Congressional Majorities and will hanner thiss appointment through before the mid terms. Hooray.
Second, by imposing his travel and immigration ban, now approved by the Supreme Court, the affedted countries will be forced to deal with their own problems instead of pushing dissidents over here. Most European natins will follow suit and the Mid East may finally setlle down.
We will finally redognize the importance of Latin Amerrica and turn our attention toward them, nor ro impose our will, but simply to become good neighbors.
We will see even lower Federal taxes. Local and State taxes may go up a bit,, but at least those officials know what their citizens need and want.
We will, at long last, make a serious move to repair our disgraceful infrastructure.
More, non violent criminals will be punished ny fines, community service and being restricted in their travels ( home to work and back).  This will lower the overall cost of imprisoning the truly dangerous. Also, more and more prisons will be administered by provate companies. Nothing improves efficiency ike looking for profits.
Likewise, you will see a move to have schools run by private companies. They may still be public, but not government administered.
The Space Program will return, only this time at a more practical level/ The first steps toward creating a Moon colony will begin. It will be small and, initially serve as a base for launching probes and Rover type missions to Mars, of course, but also to the moons of Saturn and Jupiter, which may actually support life. We will explore the asteroid belt and, at last see what lies beyond Pluto.
Huge entertainment blockbusters will give way to small local show.   They  are less expensive and usually more entertaining, Golf will become more popular as an actual sport people play instead of watching with the spread of tiny courses, (9. or even 6 holes), short and playable by all. Bowling will get more popular as will other sports that real people can play, badminton, croquet, flag football and such. Restaurant chains  and fine dining palaces will give way to small cafes, diners and even street vendors. On line shopping will fail just as soon as their business is hit with sales tax, which us right around the corner.
A religious revival will occur, but not the old time fire and brimstone evangelism. Instead, we will have a gentle, community action oriented faith, short on doctrine and long on helping those in need, and open to moderate Christians, Jews and Moslems, to  all the People of the Book. And, at last, we will have a religion compatible with science, as it used to be.
So, cheer up. Things are dark, but glimmers of light are staring to show. \

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