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Friday, June 22, 2018

Take a Break and Lighten Up

I write these blogs and I rant and rave and it does me a world of good. There are problems and we all should have some awareness of what's going on. When I think of answers, I offer them. At least I present some facts in a plain spoken, simple manner. I am serious when I write and mean everything  I write.
But, that only takes a small part of my time. The rest of the time, I write creatively (remember those e books I have on Kindle. (sorry, just a quick ad), I talk, wander around, and watch a bit of golf on TV. I enjoy cooking, music and good wines and beers. I look at the trees and flowers, listen to the magnificent mockingbirds and talk to the squirrels. Yes, they answer, in their own way. I exercise, meditate and pray.
My point is this. I pay attention to politics and social issues, but I am not obsessed with the, Thinking and writing about the problems, is a small part of my day. I bring this up because it seems, from reports I hear and read, that many in this land are over the top when it comes to these matters.
This is not healthy and, more to the point, it is just silly. Problems, with the possible exceptions of natural disasters and illness, do not arise quickly and take time to solve. I don't care if you hammer away at them 24/7, they take time to fix. On top of that, you, the individual, will not solve them alone. All solutions are group efforts and that means taking time.
Chill out. Relax and have some fun.  It's the weekend for many. If so, just enjoy it, If you're working, sorry, but come your days off, have some fun and get some rest. All these problems will still be there tomorrow and if they're not, guess what? New ones will take their place.
Make room for life's pleasures and relish each and every one.

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