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Friday, June 29, 2018

Talk to Each Other

There is a disturbing trend in this Country. People no longer talk to each other. Oh sure, we say hello, mostly, and how are you and maybe comment on the weather. In stores, if you are very lucky, someone may ask if they can help you. They generally seem relieved if you say no.
I am talking about actual conversation, give and take on actual subjects. Not necessarily heavy debates on politics or philosophy. Just simple, natural conversation.
I grew up around country folks, and while they sure had their flaws, they could talk. The eldest had grown up with no TV and didn't even have radios until  they were adults. Those in my parents age group had grown up with radio, but seldom had time to listen a lot and TV was a novelty, to be watched sparingly. For entertainment, they talked, told stories, debated politics a little, maybe squabbled a bit over sports and generally, just kept up a wonderfully entertaining string of small talk. There were arguments, sometimes heated, but always there was respect between the arguers. Generally they ended with someone saying something funny to break the tension . Either that or my Grandmother would bring out something to eat, and her food could bring peace between Nancy Pelosi and President Trump.
I don't long for a return to those pre-electric days. Not at all. But I do miss conversation,
Anytime I am in a store, I try to get workers to chat bit, Same around where I live. Sometimes it works, often not, but I have to try.
Why am I so concerned about this. Simple. We are human beings and our minds and souls love stories. As far as I know, we are the only creatures on Earth who do so.  It is healthy and solidifies social bonds.
I don't mean texting. We need to hear the human voice. Reading is wonderful, bur it doesn't give the same feeling of contact.
So, go out of your way to talk to folks. Small talk, nonsense, babble are just fine. Talk and listen and your life will be richer.

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