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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Watch for Scams

I am not going on a long rant today. I di want to warn everyone abiyt a variety of scams going ib.
I have had some idiots calling saying they want to reimburse me for some computer problem they foxed for me. 3 years ago, my computer, not the one I have now, started going nuts. I got notice that I could use a Microsoft approved service to fix it. Being naïve, I paid them $200 to do so. It worked.  Of course ir did because as I found out later, they hacked it and caused the problem. About a year later, they started calling, wanting to service the computer. The first 2 times, I said, nicely, that there was no need as I was using a different unit  and had no problem. They kept calling. I finally started screaming at them to stop and then just stopped answering the phone, telling everyone I knew to leave a message/
Then they started calling wanting to reimburse me for overpayment. I may be dumb at times, but not that dumb. Their calls were blocked. Then I got an email form a collector demanding payment. I checked and no such service exists and I learned that many others were being targeted. I marked it as a phishing scam and deleted.it
Now we are getting threatening robo calls saying that they are going  to take money out of our bank of we don't call them. They have no current bank info so we are not worried. Keep in  mind, this is a robo call that starts in the middle of the rap. We get many such calls. Auto insurance past die. We have no car. Unpaid student loans. We are both in  our mid 60s. And so on
The local news is filled each day with tales of computer scams and telephone hustles. Don't speak to these people.  Don't open emails. Don't return calls. Do change user names and email accounts often. It is a pain, but worth it/. Sane foes for passwords. Do not take any calls or emails at face value. I gave been emailed several times saying I had bank problems and I needed to call immediately. I called the bank, had no problems and filed a phishing report. Watch your bank and credit balances. If you but on line, check the web address at the top of the screen. Just because an ad says it is a reliable store doesn't make it one. N ever but on the phone unless you initiate the call
Very young adults who have grown up online tend to be open to such scams. Old people, who panic easily are worse.
Theses people are the scum of the Earth and that is an insult to scum everywhere. I hear mention of Justice Department efforts to stop this insanity and I hope that is true. Until then, be ever vigilant.
Wow. Sorry. I guess I did go on a long rant. Maybe we all should. Let lawmakers know that this issue must be resolved.
Paranoid? A bit/ But, remember what R. Crumb's great cartoon character, Mr. Natural said. 'Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean people aren't out to get you.'

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