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Friday, August 31, 2018

Enough. I Surrender

I have written often of my love for what this Country used to be. It was not just nostalgia. I recognize the flaws and loved things in spite of them, Or it maybe because of them, things get confusing. I always have hoped for a return to the best parts of those days. But, alas, that is not to be. I will still live , as much as possible, by my own values, but, as Jesus said, render unto Cesar that which is Cesar's. So, I will have to make accommodations.
We now are a Socialist nation. Like it or not, get over it. This has been evolving since Eisenhower's warnings about the military-industrial complex grabbing power. Things slowly tightened and now it is full bore/ Pay no attention to Trump's rhetoric. He is the shill for big business (look at the huge corporate tax breaks). We are getting more, not less involved in foreign relations that are not our business. And, instead of solving problems, we are treated to daily rantings about the FBI and Justice Dept. and constant badgering about illegal aliens and 'fake news." Problems? Yes but nothing compared to affordable medical care and housing. Oh,  by the way, inflation is ramping up. I almost bought the act for a while, but no more..                                                                                                  We are also treated to a display of frequent medals being given to soldiers and policemen. They may be deserving, but what used to be rare is now a frequent display. These quasi-military shows have always been popular propaganda tools. All the big 20th Century dictators loved them.
Most telling was Trump;s tweet a couple of days ago. He called the press 'the enemy of the people. That is a line straight out of 1984. We are in a rising corporate-military government- led Socialism Back in the day, that was the government of Nazi Germany.
Our alternative seems to be the kind of Populist Socialism of Bernie Sanders. God only knows what that would be like.
I know I promised no more politics, but today brought a small run in with Government ineptness. It is all resolved now, but it seems that we will no longer be able to escape  the hands of our loving and concerned Federal Government. The States, where I had placed political hope, are either broke, confused and overwhelmed, or simply as incompetent as Washington.
So, for a spell, perhaps a long one, don't even bother trying to fight the monster that is the Federal Government. Stay out of its way when possible. Take advantage of what it gives if it is to your advantage. Stay true to your principals, but try to avoid jail or worse. Again, live the way you want without rubbing their noses in it. All that means walking a fairly thin tight rope, so stay balanced. Do not be foolish. Don  Quixote did not win one of his battles against those windmills.
I was going to write about the glories of Autumn today. That will come Monday. I had to get this off my mind. Have a fine Labor Day weekend..
And remember, Big Brother loves you. And those of you who have read Orwell's frighteningly realistic novel, 1984 (read it before the Powers that Be finally ban it and burn all the copies - read it and pass it on) will understand what I mean by 2 + 2 = 5.
God Bless all of you and may God help us all..
"We have met the enemy, and he is us." from Walt Kelly's wonderful, and no longer existent, comic strip, Pogo.

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