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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Today's news leads off with the deportation of a 95 year old ex-Nazi prison guard. Okay. He was, by all accounts, a despicable man, at least 70 years ago, and I'm not at all sorry to see him go. But, in the whole World, is this really the most important thing going on?
California has been burned to ashes and, if they ever get rain again, which is becoming another issue, the mud slides will be frightful. Around the World, the Ring of Fire seems to be growing more and more active. I am quite sure that no one really wants to look at the potential for more and stronger volcano eruption, earthquakes and tsunamis, but it may be a good idea to start thinking about emergency management strategies/ Iran is testing long range missiles. Russia has launched a satellute that can, potentially be used as a weapons platform/ Missouri, the geart of America's farmland is going through a catastrophic drought. And so on.
I am not about to start ranting about theses issues. I want to point out the power of misdirection. WE humans are easily distracted. This is the essence of stage magic. The President goes on, at great length  , in praise of fallen cops and soldiers. Fine, I feel horrible when folks are senselessly killed, but, when the talk goes on and on, something else is going on. Likewise, when a celebrity death is the lead story. Sane when trials and investigation concerning small time crimes stemming from political maneuvering dominate the news for days and months for years.
I am not saying that we are being lied to. There is truth in all of these headline stories. The whole thing is far more subtle. Our attention is being directed away from the important to the trivial. Why?
One, someone, or some group of someones, is up to no good and hope to get their way before we notice. Or, something is about to happen and it is being kept from us because, if it is revealed, panic will ensue. Or both. There is thought, and some evidence, that certain elite folks want to grab all they can before all hell breaks loose, then flee the scene with all the goodies. Is that true? Maybe. Either that ot we are all considered idiot children who cannot handle the truth.
Stage magic is a close cousin to occult magick, of the Crowlean sort. Both types work by mind manipulation. Stage magic is harmless fin. The other sort is neither. When people are attempting to manipulate your attention and, in essence, control your thought, that is, by definition, black magick.  We must fight such action if we are to keep our lives and our souls
Fight it by always looking for what is being stressed by the media and by politicians and corporations. In fact, those are now the 3 branches of our Government. Always look deeply and always remember what really counts, life, family, friends, God. In other words, keep your eyes ob the prize.

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