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Monday, August 13, 2018

One of Those Dats

We all have them. Those days when nothing, not one thing goes as planned. We;;. I'm having one today. Got up late and promptly felt my knee swelling. It had not done that in about a year and it was not too bad, so I started walking to the grocery store. It buckled and almost collapsed 3 tomes
I mad it home, rested a whule and thought,'let's get busy.' My computer thought otherwise and it took about an hour to figure the issue. Now, it is working, but it seems I'm going to spend the afternoon cleaning up files. In addition, I seem to have forgotten how to type and an spending a huge amount of time correcting mistakes.
So, today, I have no words of wisdom, no keen insights into human behavior and no lovely descriptions of the Natural World I'm surrounded by.
On top of all that, the cold I thought was past is trying to make a return and it's about 180 degrees with a matching humidity.
On days like this, the only thing to do is as little as possible. A few basic tasks and some housekeeping on the computer and IO'm done.
When you gave days like this, just downshift and cruise. Tomorrow will be better.

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