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Friday, August 17, 2018

A Celebration of Death

Aretha is dead. Well, she lived, by all accounts, a good life, and, ;like all of us, she is now gone on to a new adventure. She was massively talented. Her style of music was not my favorite, but there is no denying her talent.
But, as I'm sure you have guessed, is not what this post is about. I have long been fascinated, in a weird sort  of way, by our cultures obsession with celebrity death. Every time a famous entertainer  or sports star dies, we almost declare a National state of mourning, Albums, films, books, whatever they were noted for, start selling at a huge rate. The TV news networks covered the story all day and are back on it today. People who never knew these folks become almost distraught. Those who barely knew them crawl out of the woodwork to get their little bit of attention.
We have a morbid obsession with death and almost use these occasions to indulge in a sort of celebration of death. Certainly death is not to be feared, but I was taught that a passing was to be a quiet affair, noted and attended bu family and friends.
Why is it a sadder day when a celebrity dies than when someone's aunt or vest friend dies. I mourn the passing of loved ones, not folks I never met. If I liked their work, well I still have their works to enjoy. But, again and again we go through this absurd mourning of celebritie. We saw it with Ptince, Whitney Houston, Mohammad Ali and countless others.
Celebrate life, and. every day celebrate those you love. When someone dies, note their passing, then celebrate their life. Now, I', going to end this rambling post. Another Aretha song kust came on the news and I think I need to fet out among the living. Rest well Aretha. You deserve it. The rest of you, get out there and get busy.

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