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Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Pilate asked Jesus, "what is truth?" Few bother to mention that Jesus did not answer.
Truth is a slippery idea. There are some basic things..  I can say that it is not raining right here and right now. That is true.
But, truth depends on the ability to gather facts and that can be woefully difficult. Words are misunderstood. Meanings often depend on context and that is hard to convey to third parties. Also, People lie. Often. So when you ask someone the truth, do not count on getting it. Even if the person thinks they are telling the truth, their truth may be based on lies.
Probably the best thing to do is gather a lot of statements and try to sort out the facts. Better still, take everything with a grain of salt until you see how the situation plays out.
I watch a little news, very little, and I have to laugh at all of the pundits getting on and stating, quite clearly and strongly, that the other side is lying. Then, the other side says the same thing. Believe none of the,.
As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the midst of all the lies.
The absolute best thing to do is do not pay much attention to any of it. Instead, relax, have some fun, so your work and enjoy your day. May you and yours be Blessed on this fine day.

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