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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Tiger and the President

There is much angst in the media over Tiger Woods urging respect for the Office of the President. I cannot quite wrap my head around that. Why does any one care.
This will  not be a political post. Quite honestly, I have no more interest in the antics of the current administration than I do in the antics of the entertainment industry. In other words none. Actually, the more I see of current politics, the less difference I see between the two. We are witnessing a dog and pony show on a grand scale. Dangerous, yes, but just a show.
Why the concern about Tiger Wood's remarks? On ESPN< there was wailing and gnashing of teerh and, of course, on Fox, there was return fire, I imagine the same went on at CNN , MSNBC and CNBC, but I can only watch a little bit of news these days.
Tiger Woods is a great gofer. The Greatest ever? No. He came along when he had little competition. Woods competed against Els, Singh and Mickelson. All fine players, but Nicklaus went against Palmer, Casper, Miller, Player, Trevino. Watson, Wiesskoff. See the difference.
His prowess aside, his political and social opinions are just that. His. Ask yourself this. In what way is he more qualified than you to make such judgments. He has lived an insular life, largely isolated from the rest of us when off the course. He studied Communication at Stanford, before quitting school. He is a fine golfer. That is about it.
Those opinions and perceptions, off the golf course, are no more valid than yours. Possibly less so, because he lives in a much different climate than we do. That is fine. It is his life, But, we mist stop devoting all this time and energy to the musings of celebrities. You, your friends and family and co-workers are the ones who count.

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