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Friday, August 24, 2018

We All Lose

What have we done to the Earth? What have we done to our fair sister. Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her, stick her with knives on the side of the dawn, tied her with fences and dragged her down. The Doors, When the Musics Over, from the album Strange Days
My Dad once made a profound observation. He said, "you know, the Native Americans (okay, he said Indians but it was a long time ago) had this land for 10000 years and it was a Paradise. We've had it for 400 and it's become a sewer. That says it all. We have decimated the environment and, now that the climate is changing, we have no where to run. We have painted ourselves into a corner and have no where to run. And, in the face of this, our President wants to bring back coal mining. Even China is trying to stop using coal. Of course, he is doing it to appeal to W. Virginia voters. I heard some one say that maybe, to woo New England voter, he should bring back whaling so we can use whale oil.This is insane.
WE all seem to be terminally thirst and carry around bottles of water. Plastic bottles. It has been determined that if you piled the all up, they would stretch from the Moon and back several times.The Oceans are choking form plastic. Dead oceans equal no life, anywhere. Did,'t any one ever hear of glasses and cups or getting a drink before you left a building.
Drive down any highway and look at the trash, again, most of it plastic.
Still, look closely and there is beauty. Life will not be denied. In the long run, we, the human race, may succeed in killing most, if not all, of ourselves. But, over long periods, life will go on and let's hope and pray that the next intelligent creatures that dominate this lovely Earth, will be wiser. God charged us with being stewards of the Earth and we have failed miserably. I';; ;eave you today with another song.
Look inside your lid this morning. See the things you did not quite consume. The Worlds a can for your fresh garbage. Spirit, Fresh Garbage, from the Mechanical World album
God Bless each of you. Have a wonderful weekend

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