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Monday, September 3, 2018


The Autumnal Equinox, I love that phrase, is almost here. I love the Fall. It is my favorite time of year. The crisp mornings, mildly warm days with cool breezes, and the nice chill at night are perfect. I love putting on a light sweater in the morning, then switching to short sleeves in the afternoon and a light jacket at night. I think it is so fine to stand in the Sunshine on a fall afternoon and get toasty, knowing that a short step into the shade will cool me down nicely.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the hot languid days of Summer, the bite of Winter and the beauty of Spring, but my favorite is Fall. Even the food changes. Cold Sandwiches and salads start giving way to soups and stews and ice cream starts to give way to hot pies right our of the oven. Hot, strong mugs of tea replace tall glasses of iced tea.
The Fed Ex playoffs are underway, if you like golf and the Baseball playoffs and World Series are just around the corner. Football is cranking up and tennis is winding down. Horse racing fans, like myself, will soon be treated to the Breeders' Cup.
Today is Labor day, the last holiday of Simmer. Barbecue, baseball, swimming and golf and late baseball and early football ate on RV. The real holidays, for me start soon. My friend and companion of 34 years, Deb, has her birthday the end of the month. Then, it's a short hop to Halloween and Thanksgiving, the end of Fall marker. Then Christmas and New Year to usher in the deep Winter months. The year's cycle is wonderful. All of life has some elements of a cyclical nature and one of the grandest things that we humans do is our celebrations of these always returning Holidays.
I believe that these cycles echo our existence. We enter life, stay a spell, then leave and come back. Unlike most Christians, I fully believe in reincarnation. Actually I prefer the older Greek term. the transmigration of souls. It sounds fancier, and somehow more Western. That this belief separates me from other Christians is not a big deal to me. I never thought that anyone system of thought held all the answers.
Anyway, today is not a day for such theological debate. Today is for hot dogs and baseball, chili and football, burgers and swimming. In short today is simply a celebration of the end of one season and the start of the next. It is a celebration of life.
Sp, each and everyone of you should have a great day. Be happy and have fun. God bless all of you.

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