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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Quo Vadis

It is written, in a Polish novel of the same name (based on a Catholic tradition) that, when Peter was leaving Rome, to avoid martyrdom, he saw Jesus walking toward Rome and asked quo vadis, Dominae, where are you going, Lord. Jesus responded that if Peter was going to desert His people to save his life, then he, Jesus, would gave to go. Peter turned back to Rome and his death.
Now, in this age, which is growing rapidly weirder, we all must ask ourselves, where are we going? Are you so concerned with your own life that you sell your soul to the highest bidder? Do you keep quiet in the face of lunacy, lunacy that is destroying your family, friends, neighbors and, perhaps the ability of the Earth to sustain life? When do you and I stand up and say 'no more'. Trust me, your life is not yours. It belongs to your Creator and, one day, it will be over. Will you be able to look back and say, 'I did well?. I did what  was right.'
Now, fortunately, we don't crucify anymore, but, if you speak up against the insanity of the present, if you act non judgmentally, with forgiveness and a willingness to help one and all in their time of need, you will suffer, economically and socially. Look around the World at the way Christians, Jews, and moderate  Muslims  are treated. To speak of God and proper ethics, in America is to risk the ever increasing wrath of the left wing politicos. Even among the Peoples of the Book, to question the political and social minutia of each sect can bring scorn and abuse.
People of belief must stand up against legitimate social inequity and persecution.The Government will on;y do that when it gets them points in the polls.
Follow the original Commandment and be stewards of the Earth. Practice the teaching of the Rabbi Hillel and do not do to others what you would not want done to you Practice the forgiveness of Jesus and heed the call to prayer and charity taught by Mohammed.
Or run from your duty and, in the end, don't be surprised of you are asked quo vadis. Where are you going?

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