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Friday, August 10, 2018

Enjoy What You Have

We all spend so much time looking ahead. That's fine, to a degree. But we often spend so much time thinking that everything will be fine, soon. When you get that raise, or find that new house, or the kids finally graduate. Those things can all be great, but, if you stay in that mind set, when the goodies come, you'll have thought of a new set if goodies and you'll be focused on them.
During those times, you are missing the good going on every day aall around you. Take sonething simple. like the weather.
Right now it's almost mid-August,  Here in N. Georgia, it is fairly cool this morning, almost Fall like. The cool is a nice break from the heat and I can here folks saying, 'ah, great, this wretched heat is almost over. Winter will be here soon." True enough.
But, the heat will be back next week and for the next 2 months, it will swing form dry and pleasant to hot and humid. If you spend your days hoping for what is to come, you will miss out on the pleasures of letting that fine heat soothing your body and the wonderful symphony of the afternoon thunder storms. You will not fully enjoy the long afternoons when you can go ut and play after work,
The irony is that when Winter come, we will start looking for any sign of Spring.\
We humans, cannot stay in the moment all the time and there is nothing wrong with looking to the future. But, as often as you can, it is a fine idea to simply take stock of the moment, to relax and simply enjoy where you are and who you are with. Try it this weekend and have a wonderful and Blessed weekend.

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