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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Watch the Watchmen

You've got to rely on your body and mind to see the light from shade. 'When I was a Young Boy', Savoy Brown  from the album Raw Sienna
If you gave never read Alan Moore's great graphic novel, The Watchmen, do so. If you don't have time, see the movie, it's pretty good.
Look around and you'll be amazed at how many folks want to run your life. Not just politicians. You can include educators, religious leaders, entertainers, therapists, doctors, sports figures, family members and countless more.
The thing you gave to ask yourself is, how great is their life. I have known more than a few ministers who were absolute scoundrels.Psychiatrists have one of the highest rates of suicide in the Nation. I have known teachers who were abusive to their own kids. I could go on, bit you get the point.
I will listen to advice from almost anyone  and make my pwn judgments as to how much of it I will heed. The problem comes when people try to push you into following them.
For example. The current Administration in the White House gas accomplished a fair amount. There is no doubt of that. But, the President himself continues to try and bully people into obeying him. There is no doubt of that either. I am not getting political here. I simply want to point something out. If you go to buy a car, you din't let the salesman push you to buy. Despite his business background, Donald Trump jeeps reverting to the bully. That may be needed when dealing with N. Korea, but not with your own people. Something is going on and we, the American people, are being pushed in some direction by people we really should not be trusting of. We are being conned.
How long will we buy into ha;f bakes and less than half explained ideas.
Again, it is not just politics. I hear ministers who spout drivel from the pulpit, when it is obvious that they have not seriously studied theology and no nothing of the history behind the Bible. I have heard teachers who are doing nothing but reading the textbooks to kids and, now, they just direct them to Wikipedia. I have seen that in an expensive private school.
Why do we keep taking life changing advice from cheap con men.  All of ys need to gather information and experience and then, with God's help, figure out our own path.

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