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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Black Magick

 Yesterday, in my discussion of political and social maneuvering, I mentioned black magick and I want to touch on that in more detail.
Magick, in the true sense of the term. means manipulating the fabric of reality, by applying will power. Science is magick, as is its step child, technology. In essence, if I am hungry and there is ham and cheese and bread in the fridge, and I get up and make a sandwich, that is magic.After all, I have to will myself to get up and assemble the food and, when I have finished, I have altered the reality of separate ingredients into a new reality of a lunch.
If I give that sandwich to another, that is white magick; it befits another. If I make it for myse;f, it is sort of neutral , in moral terms.
But, If I use that sandwich to coerce a hungry person into doing my bidding, that is black magick and it is pretty much the norm in our modern corporate world. Businesses dangle products we do  not need, ie the absolute newest smart phone. If your old phone is working, you do not need to change, but the various companies, using the proven techniques of advertising will work diligently to convince you that your life will be wretched if you do not run out and buy immediately.. They benefit by getting your money.  This is, by definition, black magick. Avoid it. But when you decide you need to and buy what will work for you.
Politicians have perfected this art, Both sides practice it and it is shameful. This is why I urge everyone to look deeply and find out what truth there is in what you are told and what is hidden. Remember; if there is something dominating the news, there is most likely a real agenda being covered. Note; The Nazi Party perfected this technique. That should show you the evil inherent in these systems.
Watch your own behavior. All of us, here and there, try to use the efforts of other to our own ends and we all should stop it. Remember the Lord's Prayer. Jesus taught that we should say "Thy will be done." This reminds us to make sure that what we want and do, the magick we work, is in accord with the Creator's will. Give that a try and your life will go better. And, please do not let yourselves be come the victims of black magick. It is nothing supernatural, no hocus pocus, just planned and powerful manipulation and it is evil.

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