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Monday, August 27, 2018


I grew up in an actual neighborhood. Families knew each other. Maybe they were not best pals, but they knew each other and there was a stability. There was a comfort level and, the neighborhood served as a gateway to the rest of the town. We passed from it each day and returned each evening, for years. Believe it or not, it was far from boring,
Now, neighborhoods are almost as transient as city businesses. Houses are bought, sold and rented frequently and folks do not settle there. They are almost temporary dwellings. Neighbors barely know each other and, instead of being pathways in and out of the community at large, they are often isolated subdivisions, cut off by walls, gates and security guards. In the cities themselves, things are becoming nightmarish. The local news this morning started with kids being shot while in their own homes by stray bullets. People do not really know their neighbors because they are scared to death of them.
Sorry, I did not mean to go off like that, but I have a point. I live in the Metro Atlanta area. Last year, we had an influx of 70000 people and in Gwinnett County (part of Metro Atlanta and where I live) we gained 17000. This area cannot take this many people, this fast. The consensus among locals is that those numbers are way low.
As a result, housing is rapidly becoming a serious, almost critical issue. If you are apartment hunting, good luck finding anything affordable and if you do, there likely will be no availability. We have talked to apartments with 2 year waiting lists. Houses, that are anything more than shacks, are vastly overpriced. Yet, folks keep coming. As a result, even the extended stay hotels are filled to capacity.
Why are people coming here? Beats me. The weather is average, the job market is not too great and restaurants are overpriced in the extreme. There are a lot of sports and cultural events, but they are costly and useless if you do not have a home. Traffic is horrible. I have spent 3 hours traveling 3 miles and that was 5 years ago. It is far worse now.
People coming here are like lemmings rushing to the cliffs only to fall in the sea. They have no idea why they are doing it, but they are in a hurry to get there. By the way, S.E. Georgia is worse.
I am leaving here as soon as I can. Someone is welcome to my spot. but I wpuld advise against it.

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