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Monday, August 20, 2018

Time Was

I like the word 'anachronism. It basically means something in the wrong time. If I use the word 'gay' to mean happy, I have used it in an anachronistic manner.
I consider myself an anachronism. I really do not for in the current time frame. That's okay. I kind of like things that way because I really do not like the current culture.
I enjoy most modern conveniences. I love my computer, although I am no big fan of the internet. I like cars and CDs and air conditioners and many of our gadgets because they do make life easier and ,ore pleasant I like having a lot of sports, especially golf, on TV. I am less fond of cell phones, but they are handy.
I dislike what I see people` becoming. I see whuny, self centered and willfullu ignorant people un abundance. I hear people complaining about hard work who have never. in their entire loves, done a tiny biy of real work.
What passes for music is nothing more than electronic noise and/or singers whining about ;lost loves when they have no idea what real love is. There is a tendency to confuse sexial encounters with real in intimacy.
TV is so mediocre that they are now bringing back old shows. Do we really need another Magnum PI or the return of Murphy Brown. Movies seem to be simply a vehicle for displaying the latest effects technology or some sort of occult coded drivel.
Just talking to people has become tiresome. It seems that everything is said in sound bites and get to the point is the order of the day . The days of leisurely chatting and story telling are but a fond memory.
I could go on, but why should I? Either you get the point or you don't. The funny thing is, I am not depressed about any of this. I was, but I have come to realize that such a reaction is pointless. I enjoy ny days and m y life as I see fit and others can do as they please.
So, I proudly declare that I am an anachronism Remember this though; things are often cyclical and, one day, hopefully sooner rather that later, things will swing back to a day when humanity, good sense and good taste make a comeback.
Now, a brief commercial. Today, and for the next 7 days, 2 of my ebooks, Stress Free Cooking and To the Mockingbird's Trill will be on sale, at greatly reduce price on Kindle in the US. The Agent and The one will be on sale in the UK. See mu My Books page for descriptions. Thank you and God Bless each of you.

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