I have Stories to Tell and Books on Amazon

Please, in the left column, click on Books on Amazon and check out the books I have written. I am sure you will enjoy them.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone

Nor does he live by blog posts.
I have never put ads on my blog because I find them annoying. That is an understatement, I actually find them loathsome and refuse to read them. I do not have a donate button. I dislike Pay Pal and I hate to beg.
But I do need money, fair;y badly. I just want to remind everyone that I have ebooks for sale in Kindle. There are several interesting and entertaining stories, non too long but all longer that short stories. The old word for them is novella but I don't know if that word is still used. There is also a basic cook book, informative and entertaining. All are very inexpensive.
So, I ask you to take a look. I would much rather sell you a god product at a fair price than aggravate you with ads or beg.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled program. Have a fine daand God Bless you all.
I almost forgot. You can find a list of my books and a short description of each on the My Books page on the left hand side of the blog.

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