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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

Sometimes old sayings get old because they are true. How you see things determines what you think of them and what you think determines what you see. To a great degree, you determine the World you live in by your perceptual choices.
Wow, that was fancy for this early so let me explain.
Today, in N. Georgia, it is hot and humid. Nothing surprising in August, It would be very easy to step outside, feel the sweat beading and say, 'yuck.' But, you can turn that around.
The heat feels good on the body. Muscles relax and the body grows more flexible. That is why a lot of athletes, especially baseball pitchers and golfers, love the heat. In cold weather, muscles tend to cramp. I am certainly not a big time athlete, but at my age, the heat keeps the arthritis at bay, usually. \
Sweat is good for you. It not only cools the body, it flushes out toxins and impurities.
So, you can turn your perceptions of hot weather around and, when you do, you clear the way so you can see the beauty of Nature at its most  active period, Trees are green, plants are growing, grasses are at their lushest. Birds are nesting and raising young. Squirrels are readying for winter by stuffing themselves silly with nuts.
We have lizards running around, stalking the vast number of insects running and flying about. An occasional snake slithers past. Humans, those who have learned to enjoy this heat, take advantage of the long days and play golf, barbecue, swim and play with kids and dogs.
This is more than a Summer reverie that I write of, You can apply this lesson to any aspect of life. If there is something you dislike, and we all have such things in our lives, try turning your thoughts around. Look for the good and you will find it and the World will grow more lovely.
Realistically, we all have preferences and that is fine, but there is no reason to be down when things are not as you like. Now, drink some water, put on some shorts and a light shirt and get out doors and enjoy the heat, It beats sitting in and staring at the TV.

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