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Thursday, August 2, 2018


Confusion will be my epitaph.King Crimson, Tomorrow We'll  Be Crying. From In The Court of the Crimson King
I am astounded that the World even still works. I have been trying the last few days to work out a few simple things. Simple. Things that used to take 5 minutes now require hours even days of angst and  debate.
I was told, as I am sure you were, that computers would simplify and streamline. They most definitely have not.People have lost the ability to think. They just read the screen and hit the buttons. If anything varies from that routine, they are lost. The response is mixed. Some, not many, admit that they don't know and call a supervisor. That person may or may not know what's happening, but, if you go high enough ip the ladder, things are worked out. Usually..
Then you have those who refuse to admit that they don't know. That's when the fun starts. I have had many, many folks sit there and openly lie, coming up with the most ridiculous explanations. Thins that make less than no sense, logic so twisted that it makes pretzels look linear It would be great fun if I didn't need to get some things done quickly.
I often think that the high speed flashing of the computer screen numbs the brain. There is some scientific basis to that idea. Either that or we have just become so lazy that we refuse to think.
Either that or some evil wizard has cast a spell or thrown some magic dust in the air that is making humans into mindless drones.
Or, maybe all 3.
The funny thing is that if you ask any if these incompetent workers, they will tell you that they are 
doing a bang up job, A!. The sad thing is, their bosses would agree. In fairness to them. they have trouble just getting workers to show up.
This is so sad.
But, cheer up. This cannot continue much longer or confusion will be replaced by anarchy and then, the whole Nation goes down the drain.
My God's Blessings be with you. And, mat God help us all.

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