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Monday, August 6, 2018

The Bright Side of Being Ill

Sickness can surely take the mind where minds can't usually go. The Who, Amazing Journey from Tommy
I've had a long running sinus infection. Why os too long a story to tell now. Also too boring. I kept hoping that I would catch a cold too flush all the irritants out. Well, I got one and have spent several days wheezing, coughing, sneezing and generally being a grumpy pain. At last it's passing and it seems to have worked. The sinuses are better that they have been in years.
I have done nothing but lie around, eat junk food and cough drops and take NyQuil, watch TV and doze. Yesterday, I at least stopped being grumpy. I realized that  My body was simply telling me to chill out and let it heal, so I went with that. Guess what? It turned into a fine day, sneezing and nose blowing aside.
I have had so many issues to deal with of late that I had forgotten the body's wisdom. Sometimes, you just need to shut down. Clear the tangles and snags in the body;
When you do that, there is a second benefit. The mind and soul clear. During my long dozes of the last few days, I dreamed of wonderful things, thought of past events and people and spent a good bit of time in prayer. It was sort of a somewhat forced meditative retreat, only more comfortable and with golf on the TV.
Your body is not going to last forever but it is amazingly resilient. We run on and on. A little food, water air and sleep and we just go rolling along. Until something goes wrong, The, all too often, we mask the symptoms with whatever we can find and keep going. Eventually, the body will just say no and we get good and sick. A lot of serious illness would be avoided of we properly dealt with minor issues. Tired" Get some rest. Too fat? Lose some weight. By doing these little things, we can avoid at least some later unpleasantness. Everyone is busy and it is certainly not a good idea to dwell on every ache and pain and sniffle. But all of us can spare a little time to take care of what ails us.  You di no one any good when you are seriously ill.
But, if you do find yourself actually laid up with an illness, take advantage of the situation and let your mind run free. It's not doing anything else and it may surprise you.

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