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Monday, July 2, 2018

Just hangin' Out Here

Just hangin' out here in the middle of nowhere. Got nowhere to go, got nothin' to do.
Just hangin' out here, dollar in my hand, whoopin' and hollerin' for the ice cream man.
Dr. John, Shoo Fly Goes Marchin' On. from In the Right Place
Good advice from the Doctor. I have a lot to do and many places to go, but guess what?
Wednesday is the 4th of July and, I guarantee you that there will be little real business done from tomorrow noon until Thursday afternoon. Many have the day off and will be ready to run on Tuesday and recovering Thursday morning. Those who must work will not be happy, eager  employees. So I'm just hangin' out. And, yes, I will be eating some ice cream.
But, the news keeps coming and today we are dealing with tariffs. The President is still not thrilled with China and has started a scuffle with Canada. In addition, he is getting testy with the EU. He is right. We need not put up with unfair trade practices.
However, the Stock Market is getting a wee bit jumpy. On the whole, I could care less about that because there is not a real indicator of the state of the economy. Still, I have some concern because a lot of folks have their retirement funds tied up in there. My advice is get out. Move your money somewhere safe. I have seen bubbles burst. The tech bubble under Clinton and the housing bubble under Bush 2. For a few years, some experts have said that the current Market is over priced and predicting a break. It will come.
Also, as these tariffs take hold, prices will rise. That is how it should be. We have grown to used to buying second rate, dirt cheap products from foreign lands, who. on return, buy little of our properly made goods because of the expense. Instead, they steal our ideas and produce junk, which, like idiots buy. This must stop and will, but, many Americans, like spoiled brats, will scream at higher prices. Forget the increase in jobs. They just want cheap electronics and clothes. Actually, they want both, but that just is not going to happen.
So, look for the economic road to get a might bumpy for a while. Don't worry. Just hang out . And keep an eye out for the ice cream man.

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