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Friday, July 6, 2018

Cheer Up

"Let us not bow our heads to be complaining. Life has been good to us all, even when that sky is raining." The Band, Unfaithful Servant
There is certainly a lot to complain about and I sure do my share, but, really, what does that solve? If you have problems. deal with them and, all the while you are doing that, remember how sweet life is. Remember the beauty, the wonder and the love Spend some time, as much as possible, each day, thinking of the good in your life, past, present, and future. Believe me, things will get better, if you let them. Not magically. You have to make the effort, but they will get better.
In the meantime, focus on the good, Acknowledge the bad, you cannot deny it. But, put your energy toward the positive. This is not a naïve, Pollyannaish message. It is the way things are..
We have short lives. Do Not waste your time dwelling in anger and darkness.
Now, Friday is here. Enjoy a happy and Blessed weekend.

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