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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Here Comes That Rainy Day Feeling Again

Well, It's that time in the Summer again. Rain, and that is a blessing. It has been so hoy and dry the last few days. Walk outside and you feel your skin parch. That hot and dry.
I don't understand why folks get so upset by rain. Few of us are farmers in danger of losing a day in the fields. Construction workers will make the time up. Those who work inside should have no reason to complain at all. If you get wet going to and from your car, so be it. You will not melt.
Maybe you can't play gold or a ballgame gets rained out. That hardly rates as pain and suffering. Yet, folks get edgy and impatient and irritable when storms drift in. If course they get the same way when it is hot and dry.
We seem to lack a connection to Natural World. We have lost that and somehow think that the creation is there simply for our convenience. Your personal comfort is not the purpose of Creation.
No rain. no food. Too much rain, no food. No plants, no trees, no clean water and no you. Everything is in a balance, nit static, but dynamic.  Learn to roll with the ebb and flow of Nature.
Soon it will be cold again and everyone who complained about Summer's heat will be complaining about Winter's cold. In the beautiful balance of Spring, we complain about pollen allergies and in the crisp balance of fall, we gripe about having to rake up the lovely fallen leaves.
I really think that complaints about the ever changing climates is a mask for another complaint. Uncertainty. Nothing stops, nothing stands still and it seems that nothing, not even the Earth we live on is constant. That is exactly the lesson we all need to learn WE ourselves are in a constant flux and we only bring ourselves and others misery when we try to hold tight to what is passing. The only answer is to embrace change and revel in the constant process of fading and renewal. In short, learn to roll with it.

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