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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Independence Day

"We carried you in our arms, on Independence Day." Tears of Rage, Bob Dylan and Rick Danko (The Band)
Honestly, I used that quote because it was the only song I could think of that used the words 'Independence Day". But, the more I think of it, the more I think that it is perfect for this 4th of July.
This Nation is at a crossroads. It may survive as a free and great land of opportunity, a place where folks can grow, explore and feel free to be themselves. We can be a Nation that boldly faces the future and, with the help of the Creator, make that future ours.
Or, we can grow ever more mediocre, scared of our own shadow, never daring to, at last. become what our Creator wants, wise, prosperous, just and fearless. We can become just another lump of humanity and that may well happen if we do not stand up to those who want us to  just get along. Ro always 'fit in,' don't excel, keep to the norm,' and never, ever think for ourselves.  Orwell's nightmare world may be at hand, if we don't stop the oppressors.
So, what does this have to do with the song lyrics. Well, we need to remember those who carried us in their arms. who raised us and taught us. They got some things wrong, for sure, but we must take all the wisdom they taught and adapt it to what we have learned. The good stuff, the basics, never change. There must always be respect, charity, community, family and a love for the One who Created us..
And, there always has to be fun, so, for those lucky enough to have the Holiday off, go out and enjoy. Eat lots of good food, enjoy sports, talk to everyone and maybe have a drink or two (but don't overdo that). Take a minute and remember those who came before. Then relish this day we have. Happy and Blessed 4th of July to one and all.

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