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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Now the Fun Starts

A new Supreme Court Nominee has popped up/ I know little about such things. He seems like a decent guy and certainly seems qualified. While conservative, he doesn't seem like a raving radical right winger. Just a bright guy with a lot of experience and no major skeletons in his closer. None of that matters at all.
At this point, President Trump could have named one of the 12 disciples and the left would be screaming.
The pretense is Roe v Wade. Abortion. I have no intention of even discussing that issue,  because that is not the real story. It is unlikely that Roe v Wade will be overturned. Altered? Yes. Abridged? Almost certainly. But not done away with.
The real motive for the protests is a broader agenda. The people behind the inane protests of the left is their fear that we will become, once more, a conservative, Judeo-Christian Nation. The left wants us to become a socialist, fascist pagan/atheist Nation where the Government runs your finances and in every other area of your life anything goes.
There is a deeper motive behind that. There is the good old 'new world order' nonsense spoken of by Bush 1, pushed further by Obama, and backed by the Rockefellers. This is one thing that conspiracy theorists got right. which was not hard to do, since David Rockefeller openly stated that goal. They want the US not to be a beacon of hope and greatness. They want us to be another mediocre Country, subservient to a World governing body run by corporations and their lackeys. They want a religion based on some hellish blend of bad science, atheism and neo-paganism. Don't believe that last part? A close look at what passes for entertainment and you will see symbolism that would make Alestair Crowley proud. Listen to the way Christian are mocked.\
Then look at their economic agenda. There  is serious talk about just giving everyone in the country checks to live on. What they don't say, is that you had best behave the way they want you to or you'll be cut off and cast out. Remember, "he who does not have the nark of the Beast will not be able to buy or sell."
I am not being overly dramatic. The leaders of the left have been very open about their ultimate agenda, But, they have not quite figured out that the NE and the West Coast are not the whole Country. The Mid West, the South and the Mid South (Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas) still have a huge voice and they are not happy campers. In fact, while they are so far, keeping their cool, they are a very ornery lot. The left will not prevail.
But, this fall figures to be a battle. There is this Justice to be confirmed. There will be a final report on the various scandals (Russia, emails, FBI misbehavior and DOJ issues) and the Democrats will likely be the ones suffering the most damage. The economy will keep improving, N. Korea will behave, Iran will be force to get in line or suffer a revolution by its very unhappy populace, and Illegal immigration and drug trafficking will  cease.
All of that will happen but, the fight over this nomination and the mid term battles will be intense.  The last election will look like an ice cream social by comparison.

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