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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Back to Work

Okay, the parties over. Barbeque has been eaten, ball games played and beer drunk. You may be tired, nauseous and a bit hung over, but you need to get with it. The lazy days of summer cannot be so lazy this year. Too much to do.
This is the year that will determine where the US goes,  The economy is better, but it will slide back if we return to the ennui that has plagued us for too long. American workers have bemoaned the lack of decent jobs since the Great Recession kicked in. Those jobs are out there now and you best be ready. Go to school in your spare time. Get some training because, if you don't, well, there are a lot of foreign workers trained and ready to roll, who would desperately love to come here.
Take control of your life. Learn and practice decent manners. Not where you put salad forks at a formal dinner, just little things like please and thank you and may I help you. Be neat in your appearance and watch your mouth. Your ability to string together obscenities may be well developed, but it just displays your basic ignorance.
.Go to work ready to work. If you're hung over, that's your fault. Get over it and don't drag around complaining. Problems at home? Unless it involves an unusual disaster, deal with them at home. If it is something dire, tell your boss.  They are human and will probably cut you some slack. If you are the boss, don't take it out on employees. It's not their fault.
Get your financial house in order. You don't need huge bills hanging around. And, get your actual dwelling in order. Life goes smoother when things are neat and organized.
,Take care of yourself. You do no good when you're sickly, so eat well, get some exercise and a bit of rest. You don't need to be a fanatic, eating tofu and hanging out in gyms. Just use some sense.
I've written such posts before and I don't want to preach or bore people, I just sometimes think that many don't realize how fast things are changing. Americans must be ready, moving quickly and intelligently. If we fail this time, things will get very bad. On the other hand, you'll have plenty of free time. No money, but lots of free time.

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