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Thursday, July 26, 2018

You Matter

We live in a culture that loves the big time spectacles, the rich and famous, or even the infamous. In such climates, it is easy to let yourself fall through the cracks, to feel small and unimportant,. It can become almost comforting to shrink into the shadows.
 Well, guess what? That is all an illusion. All the glitz and glamour is of no importance. In fact, the oldest meaning if 'glamour' means a false face. It is a term used in Western occultism, in Crowleyan magick. There is nothing behind the mask and it's only power us the importance we place on the illusions..
Look at wealth. We live in a culture that values something called 'money.' In the old days, it took the form of precious metals. We all agreed that they were worth  some amount and did trade with chunks of minerals. This was inconvenient, so we gave paper notes that were worth certain agreed on amounts, and called this cash. It could be exchanged for the chunks of minerals. That was too unwieldy, even the paper notes, to carry around, so we developed paper that was worth whatever amount we wrote in, checks. That, became too slow, so, with the rise of electronics, we started exchanging electronic binary codes with set values. In short, money used to be actual, valued substances. Now it is electronic data. It is only worth what we say it is, It has the power we give it, This is the essence of 'glamour' and it is nothing but 'magick.,' illusion.
To function in this World, we all have to play the game ('he without the mark of the beast could not buy or sell' Revelation). Okay, things are what they are. But, to place real value on wealth and be obsessed with those who have it, is a deep mistake.
The wealthy, the famous, the 'glamorous' are just people. Like you and me, they live, they grow old and they die and, in time, they fade into the oblivion of history. What happens to their soul is God's business and in that regard, they are no different from you and me.
You, in your day to day life are as important as anyone on the Earth. Any and every act you make over the course of your day can and does effect the lives of others, They, in turn, effect others, and a chain of effect emanates, like the circles that spread in a pond when you toss in a pebble. Every act we commit, good or bad, has vast, far reaching effects.
A harsh word may discourage a budding genius. A kind word may lead someone to acts which will benefit all of humanity, Remember, Jesus said, 'Man is not condemned by what he puts in his mouth, but by every word that comes forth from it.' Deeds resonate even more.
Remember this. Jesus was not speaking to the Roman and Jewish elite. He was speaking to the poor, the working folks, the expendables of society and He valued them as if they were Kings. You are vastly important.
I hope that make everyone feel better. But. I also hope it makes all of you think. Watch what you say and do. It may make worlds of difference. \Have a wonderful and Blessed day.

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