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Thursday, July 12, 2018


It is with great reluctance that I admit that I mostly shop at Walmart. It is the store closest to where we live and I no longer can drive.
It is cheaper than most stores, I grant that, although it is not all that much cheaper than other stores. That really is a problem because so many of their goods, including many groceries, are foreign produced and are of noticeably inferior quality, Okay, I can deal with that.
My real issue is with the workers. I fund them, for the most part, to be a lazy and surly lot. The checkout people are slow, do not have a clue how to bag things, and seem reluctant to even tell you the total cost, as if that would be too great an expenditure of air and energy.
The shelves are rarely well stocked, leading to the unsettling presence of long rows of nearly empty shelves. It almost seems like a hurricane is coming.. Yesterday, a normal day, saw almost no bread out and what there was, was very stale. Huge sections of frozen foods are often bare. When they are stocking shelves, the workers are rude and will not move when customers need to get in that area.
The clothing area is a jumble with no rhyme or reason to the arrangement. Sizes are ,mixed and often there are no normal sizes on  display. If you take a triple x, fine, but just try finding a medium.
This is all the fault of management, who seem to rarely be around. You cannot allow unskilled workers, who are just there to get an easy paycheck to work with little supervision.
The good news? As the Trump administration tightens up trade regulations and Americans start producing their own goods, Walmart will be forced to raise prices a bit. Then, when they are about the same as other stores, they will have to tighten up their operation.

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