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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Trump vs Putin

Yesterday was the big Summit and, not much happened. And that figured. You rarely work out complex issues in a few hours. Folks don't seem to get that. To hear the Media, Democrats and a some Republicans comment. you would have thought that the President handed Putin the keys to the White House and the Nuclear codes.
I think they wanted Trump to slap Putin and challenge him to 2 out of 3 falls in a steel cage wrestling match. Or, more appropriately, a Russian Death match. They very obviously do not understand diplomacy,
No one is stating the obvious. President Trump did not remove the sanctions on Russia. He signed no agreements. They talked. That is all and, talking is better than arguing and threatening. Maybe these people have forgotten the nightmare of the Cold War.
The President did express some doubts about our Intelligence agencies, Well, the recent FBI issues should give cause to doubt their efficacy. A revue of CIA history creates even more doubts. Did Russia muck about in our politics. Of course, just like we have messed with internal politics in many other countries. Read history if you doubt that. And, while doing so, grow up. That is just how politics in the real world works. It is not tight, but it is the way things are and we will never change that by denying reality
Do I think Putin a great, trustworthy guy, No. But he is, for now, who we must deal with. Does he trust us? Of course not. We are witnessing a dance of mistrust and double dealing, but it is far better to dance than fight.

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