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Friday, July 27, 2018

California's Burning

Once again, California is burning. It has become an annual event, much like tropical weather in the Gulf of Mexico and the SE Atlantic coast. It is almost business as usual. In saying that, I am not making light of a horrible issue. I have a serious point to make.
California, Texas along the Gulf, and the SE Atlantic coast are heavily populated and folks are moving there all the time. Understandable since these are generally nice places to live.  But, rapid growth causes rapid change, In California, people now live where the fires rage and, in addition to their sheer and obvious danger, they clear land. There is still plenty to burn plus, when the fires die down, there is nothing left to hold the soil. The rains come and the mud slides start. If you want to see the ultimate end of the process, look at Haiti. Frequent mud slides there have made a once naturally attractive land  resemble a slimy mud pit., barely livable and incapable of sustaining food growth.
In tropical storm areas, they used to greatly restrict building along the shore. I
know this because I grew up in Florida in the 1950s. Then, building right on the beach was allowed. In other areas, building became acceptable on the barrier islands and wetlands, which once helped ease flooding and wind damage, were destroyed. In addition, the climate started changing (yes that is true, we just don't know what or the exact outcome) Now. storms sweep in. through the areas that used to absorb the worst weather and most of the flooding.
After the disasters, folks rebuild, and that is my issue. Insurance companies get little sympathy from me, but they really are being hit hard,. so, the Governments, State and Federal, take up the slack. But, they, and the tax payers supporting them, cannot keep rebuilding, year after year,
 My answer. It may sound hard but, to those who want to keep living in places that do not want people there anymore, good luck to you. Expect no more assistance and no more sympathy. You have made your beds and if you will not wake up and face reality, well. maybe you have enough money to rebuild year after year.
We cannot do every thing we want. Large numbers of people cannot live in certain places and conditions change, What worked 15 years ago, ,may not work now. That is the way things are and we, as humans must grow up. It will take long years for these areas to heal. Go elsewhere, Your life does not have to be lived in the mountains or at in the shore.                                 

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