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Monday, July 30, 2018

Things Change

In soldiers stance, I aim my hand, at the mongrel dogs who teach.
Fearing not that I'd become my enemy, in the moment that I preach.
Good and bad, I define those words, so clear, no doubt somehow.
But I was so much older then. I'm youner that that now
As I, and many others have written, things change. The only thing constant in the physical Universe is that nothing is constant. If you cannot grasp that, then I have little to say to you except good luck.
This blog is going to change. The title will remain, mostly because it gives me an excuse to show those great pictures of eagles, but the tone and content will be  different.
I and just tired of writing about politics and economics. I never did like those topics and I am sick of them . If you are young and working, you should be diligent in dealing with those topics. Me? I am getting older and my interests lie elsewhere. Where?
Glad you asked. I have fallen in love again with the Natural world, I am fascinated by the diversity if cultures and how that diversity  masks common threads. I am fascinated by the arts and crafts and foods of this grandly diverse World.
I am especially intrigued by point where those bits of the World meet, for U am convinced that that nexus is the essence of our consciousness and, thus, our connection to the Divine.
Does that make sense to you? Well, it does not quite make sense to me and I am going to try to figure that out. Tune in. It should be a wild and fascinating ride.
When something monumental happens in the World, of course I'll throw in a brief comment, but always with the intention of linking it to the deeper aspects of life.
So, no more rants. No more snarky criticisms and sarcastic analysis. No more nasty tirades launched against those I dislike.
Wow, I feel better already. Younger, too.

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