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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

To Everything There Is A Seaspn

It is hard to grasp the ever changing needs of life. There are many things that are a fine idea when you are 15 that are not good at all for a 70 year old. Boxing and mountain climbing leap to mind. The human body cannot do some things as you age. Mind you, physical activity remains important as you age, but you can back off a bit.
In societies, there are similar changes. Here and there, cultures become so stuffy and conservative that they have to loosen up. In the 1950s, many thought the USA to be too uptight about certain issues, mostly sex and race. So, come the early and mid 60s, the culture started to  examine such matters and grew a bit looser. Then, as usual, things got too loose, and the pendulum swung back toward the conservative. This is a vastly oversimplified explanation, but I think you get the idea
The same in personal matters. There was a time when I worked long and hard and was expected to be at peak efficiency at all times. I lived on coffee and tobacco and, given what I was doing, that worked well. If I did that now, I would be a nervous wreck and would likely have a stroke/ Recently, after long years of near crippling arthritis, I read a doctor's page online and took his recommendation , drink 2 to 4 glasses of red wine at night. It worked well and effectively. In recent days, I have learned of some non chemical ways of dealing with the pain and inflammation and gave given up wine. What was right and appropriate at one time, was no longer a good idea. Let me be honest, alcohol has its own problems
On a National level, there are times to reach out to other countries, try to establish peace and mutually beneficial trade. But, somewhere, someone, in one of the countries will try to take advantage.  Then, peace must give way to fighting, Then, things will change back,
My point, in what must seem like aimless rambling, is that life is not static, Things are in a constant state of change. There is a balance, but never at a perfect equilibrium. The Creator has built change into the Creation, at all levels, from the quantum to the galactic and all points in between, We, as individuals and societies are a part of that Universe are subject to the same constant state of change and must constantly adapt, To put it in simple terms, you have to roll with it.
Oh, and to all who think the Bible useless and simple minded nonsense, maybe you should glance again at the Book of Ecclesiastes.

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