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Monday, July 9, 2018

What Do People Think?

In what Universe is it a good idea to send kids and their soccer coach into a cave in the monsoon season. That Universe must be where Thailand is located..
We do some amazingly stupid things in this Country, but really, I cannot believe the insanity of actions like that. It seems that all will end well, but the danger and expense involved in the rescue is enormous.
Then again,, maybe we are not all that bright either. Pro football players often leave their careers barely able to walk. Many leave barely able to think, due to serial concussions Yet, each year, we send thousands of kids out to play this violent game. Teenagers are sent out on the Friday night ritual in high schools everywhere and colleges hit the gridiron every Saturday. WE even send wee ones out in Pee Wee leagues. They often suffer, not just broken bones and concussions, but heat stroke. I used to work at a high school and they had those guys out, in fill gear, in 98 degree heat with 90% humidity. Every year, a number of these kids drop dead from the strain. All for a stupid games.
If grown ups want to engage in dangerous activities, that's their business, but aren't kids supposed to be protected. Not coddled. Kids are going to get hurt and that's just a fact of life,. But not over a game.
Next thing, maybe we should have bare knuckle boxing matches for ages 10 and up. Sometimes I almost think that we are sacrificing kids on the altar of football because, make no mistake about it, in many ways, football is a religion in America. and, few seem to bat an eye when some 16 year old drops dead of heat stroke or winds up with spinal injuries from a hard hit.
Well, maybe I was too hard on Thailand. We're not much better sometimes.

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