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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Play Fair

Today our President is upsetting apple carts. Good for him.
For long years, the USA has, financially carried NATO. We pay 70% of the bill and provide an enormous amount of military supplies and personnel. By any standard, that is not fair, especially when Germany and other European Nations are doing well financially and could do a lot better if they would solve their immigration issues and stop buying so much oil from Russia and the Mid East,
NATO formed after WW2 when Stalin seemed to be threatening W. Europe That threat was not as great as we were led to believe because the USSR was flat broke.  But, in a patriotic fever, we signed up and have been paying the lion's share ever since. Do we , the USA now need to fear Russia?
No. Putin is shrewd and opportunistic and may, here and there, get a bit aggressive. But, he does not threaten the USA because he is not a stupid man and he is not crazy. In the cold War days, we talked about MAD, mutually assured destruction. In short, you attack us and we nuke you into a grease spot. And vice versa. There will be no major war between the USA and Russia Threatening and blustering, yes, but no more.
If W. Europe feels they are threatened, by Russia, Iran, Korea or any one else, they should get busy learning how to defend themselves. We don't really have a dog in their hunts
NATO is of no real use to us. If we stay, it is a favor to W. Europe. It is not fair to expect us to continue to foot the bill. If Germany and the others cannot defend their own land, 73 years after WW2it ended, it is not our problem. If they want us to stay, they need to give and I am glad that our President is getting right to the heart of the matter.

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